Introducing Rev. Laura

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Here's what gets this gal up at the crack of dawn! Most of my free time when not with family and friend’s is focused on Project Lamb, a humanitarian mission that a remarkable friend and I formed to offer assurance to those in times of despair.


CAWST Launches W. Brett Wilson Facebook Challenge

"W. Brett Wilson will give $1 to CAWST for every 'Like' of CAWST's Facebook page

One of Canada's most popular investors and highly regarded philanthropic entrepreneurs, W. Brett Wilson will donate $1 to CAWST for every 'Like' of CAWST's Facebook.

Not only will you get to know CAWST better by pressing 'LIKE' on CAWST’s Facebook page, you'll also help CAWST raise funds that will educate and empower people globally to get better water and sanitation.

CAWST provides technical training, consulting, and acts as a centre of expertise in water and sanitation for the poor in developing countries."